Vue sur les événements futurs 


Overzicht van de toekomstige events 

Monthly monday after-work gatherings @ charming bar

Get ready for an exquisite start to the year as the Belgian Bailliage kicks off its monday monthly after-work gatherings ! After a long day's work, join us every first Monday of the month from 18:30 to 20:30 for two delightful hours of drinks, cocktails and finger food at the charming price of 54 Euros.

Location:Charming Bar, Warwick Barsey Hotel 381 Avenue Louise, Brussels

Indulge in a selection of delightful drinks and bites expertly curated by Maître Rôtisseur Nicholas Tsiknakos. Enjoy the convivial atmosphere, great music and international camaraderie in a casual setting that promises a memorable evening.

Special Features:

- Time: 18:30 to 20:30

- Price: 54 Euros for 2 hours of drinks and bites

- No enrollment required

- Contact Chargé de Missions and Bailli de Bruxelles Beat Kocherhans via +32 478 907 918 or join our WhatsApp Group for details:

Additionally, mark your calendars for Special OMGD tasting events during these Mondays. For the enthusiasts, extend the evening with a delectable dinner.

Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to unwind and connect with fellow Chaine members. Bring your friends, spread the word, and let's make these after-work encounters in Brussels truly remarkable!

From now on it is also possible to stay overnight at Warwick Barsey with a 15% discount. Book via or call 0032 (0)25055721 and mention that you are a member of Chaine des Rôtisseurs, together with your membership number


Monthly Monday after-work gatherings @ charming bar

Proactive Training Initiative for Jeune Sommeliers and Chaine Mondays Unveiled

Dear Chaine Members,

The Bailliage of Belgium is setting the stage for an exceptional year with two parallel initiatives aimed at fostering excellence and community among sommeliers and Chaine des Rôtisseurs members.This dual effort combines cutting-edge training for Jeune Sommeliers with vibrant monthly networking events, creating an unmatched blend of education and camaraderie.Proactive Masterclass Training for Jeune Sommeliers( in English)
As part of the Bailliage's forward-thinking vision for 2025, the initiative to train young sommeliers for both national and international competitions kicks off at the Vives Campus in Bruges. A two-hour masterclass at Vives (Y006), spearheaded by Echanson Dominique Crombé and Bailli of Brussels Beat Kocherhans, will feature real-time learning and a hybrid format for in-person and digital participation. Programme Highlights:

03/03 : Practical trials training Coach Ief Vanhonacker = Best Maître d'hotel in the world!

17/03 : overview of the different tests with tips and triggers by Margaux Baelemans : best Sommelier of Belgium!

23/03 : The Competition itself!

Participants will include an esteemed group of young sommeliers, such as:

  • Hugo Vinet – Restaurant Castor in Waregem (2 Michelin stars)
  • Henri Vanbeselaere – Restaurant Castor in Waregem (2 Michelin stars)
  • Kjell Van Daele – Restaurant Boury in Roeselare (3 Michelin stars)
  • Yoerik Depraetere – Restaurant Julien in Ghent
  • Colin Lurot – Wine Merchant, Grafé leCocq
  • Cyril Mirgaux – Restaurant La Table de Manon in Durbuy (1 Michelin star)
  • Ruben Struyve – Restaurant La Table de Maxime in Our (2 Michelin stars)
  • Elizio Masson – Hof van Cleve in Kruishoutem (3 Michelin stars)
  • Vincent Pharazijn – De Jonkman in Bruges (2 Michelin stars) (pending confirmation)

Chaine Mondays – A Monthly Networking Delight
Simultaneously, the Bailliage introduces Chaine Mondays, a monthly after-work gathering held at the Warwick Barsey Hotel (381 Avenue Louise, Brussels). These gatherings, curated by Chargé de Missions et Bailli de Bruxelles Beat Kocherhans and Maître Rôtisseur Nicholas Tsiknakos, provide members with an opportunity to relax, network, and even stream the Vives masterclass while enjoying delightful refreshments.Details of Chaine Mondays:

  • Time: 18:30 – 20:30
  • Location: Charming Bar, Warwick Barsey Hotel, Brussels
  • Price: 54 Euros for two hours of drinks and bites
  • Special Features:
    • Convivial atmosphere with great music and international camaraderie
    • No enrollment required
    • Contact: Beat Kocherhans (+32 478 907 918) or join the WhatsApp Group: WhatsApp Link below

Join Us
Whether in Bruges or Brussels, or digitally, the Bailliage of Belgium warmly invites members, candidates, and guests to participate in these exceptional events. For inquiries and registrations, please contact Ilse Duponcheel at Unique Blend of Expertise and Community
Bailli Délégué Ilse Duponcheel remarked, "This proactive initiative combines the energy of aspiring talents, the wisdom of seasoned professionals, and the unique camaraderie of the Chaine community. It's an opportunity to grow, learn, and celebrate what makes the Chaine des Rôtisseurs and OMGD so special—both nationally and internationally."
Special thanks to the Vives Campus and Maitre Restaurateur Baptiste Vansteenkiste for their invaluable support in bringing this vision to life.Vive la Chaine!

Programme Chaine des Rôtisseurs bailliage de Belgique 2025

2. 20/02 Diner Amicale @ L'Homard Bizarre

Culinaire Romance bij L'Homard Bizarre

Een avond vol verfijning en zinnenstrelende smaken, speciaal samengesteld om na Valentijn volop te genieten.

Start 19.00 uur

Kledij: Casual Chic met lint

Aperitief champagne Michel Littiére Millesime 2017

Degustatie van kleine hapjes


Gemarineerde St Jacobsvruchten uit Dieppe

bloemkool crumble / basilicum olie / Kimchi mayonaise


Open ravioli van Canadese kreeft en Noordzeetong

Jus van langoustines / groene puntasperges / koolrabi / winterprei


Filet van kalfsvlees

kroket van zwezerik /knolselder /fondant aardappel /zwarte truffel / boschampignons


Bittere chocolade en Amarena kersen

vers gedraaid roomijs / Atsina cress / krokant


Vers gezette Arabica koffie "Hoorens" of een keuze uit ons vers thee assortiment

huisgemaakt snoepgoed

aangepaste Wijnen , Bru water en 139 euro

Romance Culinaire chez L'Homard Bizarre

Une soirée pleine de raffinement et de saveurs envoûtantes, spécialement conçue pour profiter pleinement après la Saint-Valentin.

Commence : 19.00 heures

Tenue: Casual Chic avec ruban

Apéritif Champagne
Michel Littiére Millésime 2017
Dégustation de petites bouchées


Noix de Saint-Jacques marinées de Dieppe
Crumble de chou-fleur / huile de basilic / mayonnaise au kimchi


Ravioli ouvert de homard canadien et de sole de la mer du Nord
Jus de langoustines / pointes d'asperges vertes / chou-rave / poireau d'hiver


Filet de veau
Croquette de ris de veau / céleri-rave / pomme de terre fondante / truffe noire / champignons des bois


Chocolat noir et cerises Amarena
Glace maison fraîchement tournée / Atsina cress / croustillant


Café Arabica fraîchement préparé "Hoorens" ou sélection de notre assortiment de thés

Confiseries maison

Vins assortis, eau Bru et 139 euros

3. 23/03 Competition Jeunes Sommeliers-Jeunes Rotisseurs @ Vives Brugge

4. 26-27/04 World Chaine Day @ Archibald DePrince @luxembourg

5. 10/05 Diner Amicale @ Baillage de Bruxelles

6. 12/6 AG Chaine Belgique @ Castelum Gruuthuyse

7. June or September Gala Chateau du Mylord (with induction Ceremony)

8. AG Chaine International

9. 5/8 Dolce Petanque empowered by The Chaine

10. 1-6/10 International Competition Jeunes Rotisseurs @ Budapest

11. International Competition Jeunes Sommeliers

12. 7/9 Chaine Sunday Brunch @ Astoria @ De Haan

13. 10-11/10 Gala @ Manoir de Lébioles @ Spa (with induction Ceremony)

14. 15/11 Kings Feast Dinner @ Chateau de la Foret

15. 30/11-1-2/12 Dolce Grillardeurs empowered by The Chaine